Services for Students

Borrowing from the Library
  • Students may borrow up to 10 items at a time
  • Books are loaned for 4 week periods and can be renewed.
  • Loans of Videos, CDs are limited to 2 items (of each type) and can be borrowed for 2 weeks.
  • Fines will apply to any late returns or lost items.
  • You are responsible for all materials checked out to your account. The library strongly advises against loaning items you have borrowed to another person. In the event of loss or a late return, you will be liable for the applicable fines.
Kindle eBook Reader
  • AUA students may borrow e-readers with their library card for in-Library use only.
  • E-Readers can be borrowed for 2 hours at the Circulation Desk, and be renewed if no one else is waiting to borrow one.
  • At the time of check-out, the e-reader will be inspected by a circulation staff member to make sure it is functioning properly.
  • Additional books or any other Kindle formats should not be added, downloaded, or deleted from the e-reader without Library administration’s prior permission. If for some reason the borrower gains access to the e-reader account and makes a purchase, the borrower will be charged three times the amount of the purchase price.
  • A borrower is responsible for any damage to the device, and the cost of repair or replacement will be charged to that borrower.
  • If borrowers experience problems with the e-reader hardware or applications or have questions, they should ask the Circulation Desk Staff for assistance.
  • Failure to comply with these policies will result in loss of privileges of using library e-readers.
Study Rooms, CSS and other Facilities
  • Students can reserve group study spaces in the library and CSS through the online Room Reservation service using their AUA network credentials.
  • Some seats in the library are equipped with a PC. 
  • All seats in the library and CSS are equipped with electricity and LAN cable ports as well as WIFI coverage.
  • You may book your group study space 1 day in advance, or you may book it on the spot if available.
  • You can access the reserved study space after presenting your AUA ID card to the librarian.



Off-Campus Access
  • Students can access databases both in the library and remotely with their login information through remote authentication.   
Library Instruction Sessions

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Faculty, the Computer Services Department and the Library, all AUA students have the opportunity to develop and master the information literacy skills they need to succeed in the academic world and beyond.

The Library offers customized instruction sessions for AUA students and Faculty. A successful Instruction session should be scheduled at least a week in advance.

  • Any time throughout the semester students can request an instruction session on specific topics of their choice by filling and submitting this form.
  • Students can find scheduled library sessions in the Library Events Calendar.

Librarians provide instruction in the following areas:

  • Using the Papazian Library Catalog
  • Research Advice
  • Locating factual information
  • Locating articles and documents in the library collections
  • Using journal indexes (online and paper)
  • Database search strategies
  • Using Moodle
Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery Services

You can obtain periodical articles and book chapters not found in the library collection through the Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery Services (ILL/DDS) by completing and submitting the request form below. This service is restricted to faculty and students.

ILL/DDS Request Form

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services are based on the reciprocal and cooperative agreements with the following libraries:

ILL/DDS requests are reviewed Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The form should be completed fully, without the use of abbreviations. When the article is received, you will be notified by email. The normal turnaround time for receiving the requested papers is within two-three business days. Books will be received in approximately 2 weeks and can be collected from the Circulation Desk.

Only AUA faculty and students may request photocopies of periodical articles, conference papers, book chapters, sections of reference works, and government documents in compliance with the Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code). The law states that the photocopy “is not to be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.”

Contact us for further assistance.

Textbook Distribution
  • In order to keep costs down for students the library loans copies of textbooks for the semester.
  • Students are expected to compensate the library for lost or damaged materials.
IT Services
  • Students have access to all computer clusters, free Wi-Fi, and printers. Click to learn how to print on campus.
Access to Grammarly Premium

Grammarly is an English language writing enhancement platform that encourages polished grammar and professional writing style and offers suggestions for improving sentence structure as well as helps prevent plagiarism. AUA students can register and obtain a premium Grammarly account by following the instructions in this guide on  How to Create Grammarly Premium Account

Moodle Support

Moodle is the learning management system used at AUA. You can find Moodle basics for students in the Moodle guide for students on our Libguides.

For help and support you may contact:

Tatevik Zargaryan:  [email protected]