Borrowing from the Library

  • Students may borrow up to 10 items at a time
  • Books are loaned for 4 week periods and can be renewed.
  • Loans of Videos, CDs, and tapes are limited to 2 items (of each type) and can be borrowed for one week.
  • Fines will apply to any late returns or lost items.
  • You are responsible for all materials checked out to your account. The library strongly advises against loaning items you have borrowed to another person. In the event of loss or a late return, you will be liable for the applicable fines.

Kindle eBook Reader

  • AUA students may borrow e-readers with their library card for in-Library use only.
  • E-Readers can be borrowed for 2 hours at the Circulation Desk, and be renewed if no one else is waiting to borrow one.
  • At the time of check-out, the e-reader will be inspected by a circulation staff member to make sure it is functioning properly.
  • Additional books or any other Kindle formats should not be added, downloaded, or deleted from the e-reader without Library administration’s prior permission. If for some reason the borrower gains access to the e-reader account and makes a purchase, the borrower will be charged three times the amount of the purchase price.
  • A borrower is responsible for any damage to the device, and the cost of repair or replacement will be charged to that borrower.
  • If borrowers experience problems with the e-reader hardware or applications or have questions, they should ask the Circulation Desk Staff for assistance.
  • Failure to comply with these policies will result in loss of privileges of using library e-readers.

Study Rooms, CSS and other Facilities

  • Students can reserve Study Rooms through the online Room Reservation service.
  • There are 7 Study Rooms that can accommodate groups of 6 or 8 people. 
  • Collaborative Study Space(CSS) is for study purposes, and the reservation is available to AUA students only.
  • The library provides 15 individual study carrels and work tables with extra lighting and internet plug-ins.

Quiet Study Area

  • No group work or talking is allowed. The room is equipped with 8 PCs connected to the printer devices. (Library Lower Level)

Off-Campus Access

  • Students can access databases both in the library and remotely with their login information through remote authentication.                

Library Instructions

  • Any time throughout the semester students can request an instruction session on specific topics of their choice by filling and submitting this form.
  • Students can find scheduled library sessions in the Library Events Calendar.
  • The Reference Librarians will provide the instructions. 

Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery Service

  • Students can request resources that are not available in the AUA Library from partnering libraries through the ILL/DDS services by completing and submitting this form.

Textbook and Calculator Distribution

  • In order to keep costs down for students the library loans copies of textbooks for the semester.
  • Students can borrow calculators from the circulation desk for library use only.
  • Students are expected to compensate the library for lost or damaged materials.

IT Services

  • Students have access to all computer clusters, free Wi-Fi, and printers.