Borrowing Books and Other Items:
- External patrons can borrow – 2 books for 14 days
- AUA staff can borrow – 5 books for 14 days
- AUA students can borrow – 10 books for 30 days
- AUA faculty can borrow – 20 books for four months
Reference and Reserve Materials are non-circulating and available for library use only.
Preparation Guides and Audio-Visual Materials:
The TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, and SAT preparation guides and materials on reserve are for library use only.
Reference Materials:
Reference materials are for library use only. AUA faculty or staff may borrow them for no longer than one or two days for research purposes.
Periodicals are not available for circulation. Exceptions may occur in certain pre-approved situations. Back issues of journals are available in bound volumes or through selected full-text online databases and online resources.
Students check out textbooks requested by faculty at the beginning of each semester and return their textbooks after the final examinations. Each student is assigned a specific textbook for which s/he is responsible throughout the duration of the borrowing time. Faculty members submit the textbook request form online for each course before classes begin. Lost, stolen, or damaged items must be compensated to the University with the replacement cost.
Course Reserves:
Course reserves are reserved for AUA students. These materials are assigned by faculty instructors to students in a particular course and are held at the circulation desk. AUA students can borrow course reserves overnight or for a few days upon faculty approval. The faculty member should bring reserve materials to the circulation desk two days before informing classes. Instructors may request course reserve materials to be transferred from the general Library collection or provide personal copies of books and articles.
- AUA students can use the library printer(s) for printing/scanning/copying. Printing/copying costs 15-AMD per one-sided page and 20-AMD per double-sided page. Scanning is free.
- External patrons can use the library printer(s) only to print/copy library resources and materials that are not available for check out or download at the cost of 50-AMD per one-sided page and 60-AMD per double-sided page.
Renewing Library Checkouts:
Library patrons can renew their checkouts if there is no hold placed on the item. See below the renewal term for different library patrons:
AUA Faculty | 4 months |
AUA Students | 30 days |
AUA Staff | 14 days |
External Patrons | 14 days |
You can renew your checkouts online via your library account (check our Renewing books guide) or contact the library staff for help:
- Visit the library circulating desk.
- Call us at (+374 60) 61 27 64 during library working hours
- Email us at [email protected]
- Write us via Ask-A-Librarian
Placing a Hold on Checked Out Items:
If a library item you need is checked out, you can place a hold. This is how you can do it:
- Place holds in the library catalog (follow our guide on Placing_hold_on_books online) or contact the library staff for help via email or phone.
- We will notify you when the item is available for pickup at the Circulation Desk.
- If you would like to request materials not owned by the Papazian Library, you can request Interlibrary Loan (only for AUA broad community).
Returning Checkouts:
Library patrons should return their checkouts to the library before the due date expires to avoid overdue fines.
Overdue or Lost Books and Fines
Papazian Library makes every attempt to notify its patrons about fines, fees, and overdue materials, but you are responsible for your account and for each item checked out.
- Overdue fines are added at 100 AMD per overdue day per item and are not removed automatically upon returning the overdue item to the library.
- Check your account frequently online or contact us via email or phone.
- For damaged or lost items, you will have to compensate by paying 1.5 times their price or by providing an identical copy of the lost/damaged item (contact the library administration for instructions and details)
Should you have overdue fines in your account, you won’t be able to perform library transactions (check out, place holds, or renew) until it is totally paid.
Fines can be paid via the payment terminal at AUA with Armenian currency only. Before paying fines, please, contact the library circulation desk for payment details and instructions, and do not pay extra money.
Please, check your online account daily and keep the library staff updated with changes in your contact information to continue receiving notifications properly.
Respect the library policies, staff, and other patrons and help maintain a respectful and comfortable atmosphere in the library.