What is copyright?

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Copyright is a ‘bundle of exclusive legal rights’ given to authors and creators to protect their original works (i.e. literary, musical and artistic works, cinematograph films, sound recordings, published editions and computer programs). This includes the right –

•  To reproduce the work in any manner or form;

•  To publish the work;

•  To perform the work in public;

•  To broadcast the work;

•  To make an adaptation of a work;

What laws govern Copyright in Armenia?

Copyright is governed by the R.A. Law on Copyright and Related Rights, adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, on June 15, 2006

Why the concern about copyright?

•  By law, we are obliged to comply with the R.A. Law on Copyright and Related Rights of 2006.

•  The University policy ensures that we respect the rights of the authors and publishers, and advocate for balance between the rights of copyright owners and users of copyright materials.

•  Copyright infringement could result in legal action and possible awards of damages.

•  The viability of local publishers depends on compliance with the copyright law.

How much can you copy from copyrighted works?

All use is governed by “Free use of a Work” in Article 22 of the Copyright Law. “Free use” permits the making

of copies, without the consent of the author and without remuneration for

•  Research and private study;

•  Personal or private use;

•  Criticism and review;

•  Reporting current events (e.g. in a newspaper, broadcast, etc.)

Are there copyright exceptions for educational purposes?

Without the consent of the author and without remuneration but with obligatory mention of the author’s name and the source of the work (e.g. proper citation), and without profit making the following shall be permitted:

•  The reproduction of a lawfully published work by the libraries and archives, educational and cultural institutions for the purpose of restoring and substituting the lost or damaged copies (in one copy);

•  The reproduction (in one copy) of independent articles, succinct works lawfully published in collections, newspapers and other periodical publications, and of short extracts from lawfully published written works by the libraries and archives (on the demand of natural persons) for the study and research purposes, as well as by the educational institutions for the classroom studies, except computer programs;

•  The reproduction (in one copy) of the whole book if such work is out of print not less than 2 years;

Without prior permission, you may not-

•  Copy a whole book or journal issue/volume, or large portions thereof (This includes out of print works).

•  Make multiple copies for others (unless the material is in the public domain, i.e. the copyright term has expired) or copying is specifically permitted;

•  Create or replace or substitute anthologies, compilations or collective works;

•  Scan, digitize, adapt, translate or modify other people’s works;

•  Make copies of images, videos, films, CDs DVDs or multimedia for purposes other than fair dealing;

•  Download or cut and paste large sections, or

use lengthy quotations from others’ works;

•  Include others’ copyrighted works in electronic theses/dissertations, in a publication or on a website.

Copying from library e-journals


Staff and students may copy articles/extracts of works for educational purposes. Many of e-resources licenses allow printed and electronic course packets to be made, without having to complete a Copyright Form. To check the license conditions, email Satenik (Bella) Avakian [email protected]

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism consists of using the words, ideas, concepts or data of another person without proper attribution. It shall include, but is not limited to:

•  Copying passages from electronic and/or copyrighted works of others into one’s own homework, essay, term paper, or thesis without acknowledgment;

•  Use of the views, opinions, or insights of another person without acknowledgment;

•  Paraphrasing of another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment.


What is Cyber-Plagiarism ?

Copying or downloading in part, or in their entirety, articles or research papers found on the Internet or copying ideas found on the Web and not giving proper attribution

How are copyright infringement and plagiarism dealt at AUA?

A student who commits an act of academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action as described in the “Students Code of Ethics” http://library.aua.am/files/2012/03/STUDENT_CODE_OF_ETHICS.pdf

A faculty member who discovers a violation of this Code may impose the following measures:

•  oral warning to the student;

•  written warning to the students;

•  reduction in score in the academic evaluation involved or one of its components;

•  retake of the academic evaluation involved or one its components;


Disciplinary measures should be applied in a timely manner, as soon as practicable after the discovery of the violation.